“Would You Rather Ponder 8”

Kia Ora bloggers back with another blog post or maybe I should call it a Ponder and today is the 1 day of December! this year has been incredible and so excited for my birthday on December 15th I know you might think your birthday is far away but i’m actually happy because I get more presents on Christmas which is very close anyways we shall get started on today’s blog post๐Ÿคฃ

I think I would be on the worst player on the team that always wins and my reason is that you could ask one of the other team members to teach you how to play and yes I don’t have much to say but we shall move on to the question for the day!

The question of the day is would you be the worst but always wins or the best but always loses? Blog ya later, Peti

One thought on ““Would You Rather Ponder 8”

  1. Kia ora peti,
    If I could choose one it would be the best in the team because If I was the best I could teach my teammates how to become better like me.
    It would be the same but opposite if I choose to be the worst player.
    Blog ya later!

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